Topic: Social Media
Can you provide any guidance on drafting a social media policy?
A bank’s social media policy, at a minimum, should address two areas of risk: (1) the bank’s use of social media for advertising purposes and (2) bank employees’ use of social media for personal purposes that could affect the bank. Both are more fully described below. Also, an important starting point for drafting a social…
As we develop a social media policy for the bank, what laws and regulations should we consider?
A bank social media policy should cover two areas: (1) bank employees’ use of social media for personal purposes that could affect the bank and (2) the bank’s use of social media for advertising purposes. Employees’ use of social media To ensure compliance with all applicable laws, your human resources policies or handbooks might impose…
As we develop social media pages for the bank, what are some of the compliance issues we should consider?
Most experts advise that you treat the bank’s new social media pages as you would treat any new banking product or marketing. That would involve conducting a risk assessment, updating your policies and procedures (including record retention policies), training employees, and monitoring employees and any third-parties involved with your social media pages. When conducting the…