We are in the process of installing several ATMs at various branches. Are there any Illinois laws that we should consider regarding safety?


The only relevant guidelines in Illinois law of which we are aware are found in the Automated Teller Machine Security Act. This Act requires the use of lighting with various intensities of candles (“candlefoot power”) during the hours of darkness. Under the Act, there should be a minimum of 10 candlefoot power lights at the face of the ATM extending outward 5 feet, a minimum of 2 candlefoot power lights from the face of the ATM within 50 feet from all unobstructed directions, and a minimum of 3 candlefoot power lights in a defined parking area within 60 feet of the ATM. If an ATM is located within 10 feet of the corner of a building and is accessible from the adjacent side, the Act requires a minimum of 2 candlefoot power lights along the first 40 unobstructed feet of the adjacent side of the building. These requirements also apply to any other defined ATM access areas and exteriors of enclosed ATMs.