Our bank recently completed a safety and soundness examination, and the examiner asked us to expand our training for employees designated to do real estate evaluations. These evaluations are done when a transaction does not require the services of a state certified or licensed appraiser. Do you have any training webinars available that relate to educating employees on the completion of these kinds of evaluations?


The IBA is offering an upcoming webinar titled “Dealing with Appraisals: Regulations and Requirements” that will cover significant developments in the rules and regulations covering real estate appraisals and evaluations, as well as in-depth details of the appraisal and valuation process. The webinar will take place on Thursday, March 11 from 1:30–3:30 p.m. Central Time. Sign up here. Also, we previously offered this course last November, and that version of the webinar can be viewed immediately on-demand after signing up here.

The IBA will also be offering a more general webinar on “Consumer Real Estate Loans” that will include some discussion of appraisals and evaluations. That webinar will take place on Wednesday, March 10, 1:30–3:30 p.m. Central Time.  Sign up here.

Additionally, the IBA has previously offered similar webinars that cover real estate evaluations in some capacity. These webinars include “Appraisal Rules and Standards,” “CRE Appraisals: Regulations and the Review Process,” and “Best-Ever Compliance Checklists for Consumer Loans.” These webinars can be viewed immediately on-demand after signing up.

We also note that the IBA’s Compliance Connection website features an “Appraisals and Valuations” topic page, which contains relevant laws, regulations, guidance, and other resources as well as answers to related questions we have received from IBA members.