Are you aware of specific COVID-19 signage requirements for branches reopening in Illinois?


Yes, for all branches in which employees will physically be present, you must post the Illinois Department of Public Health’s Workplace Health and Safety Guidance for Employees and Staff of Businesses. We also recommend posting the U.S. Department of Labor’s Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) model notice in your branches.

The Illinois Governor’s modified stay-at-home Executive Order entered on April 30, 2020, provides: “All businesses that have employees physically reporting to a work-site must post the guidance from the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and Office of the Illinois Attorney General regarding workplace safety during the COVID-19 emergency.” The IBA has received confirmation from the Governor’s office that the IDPH Guidance should be posted with other employee information posters, and a link to the IDPH Guidance is included in the resources below.

The FFCRA requires employers to “post and keep posted in conspicuous places on the premises of the employer where notices to employees are customarily posted” a model notice regarding employees’ rights under the FFCRA. Although the Department of Labor’s FAQs provide that the posting requirement may be met by “emailing or direct mailing this notice to employees or posting this notice on an employee information internal or external website,” we also recommend posting the model notice in your branches. A link to the model notice is included in the resource below.

For resources related to our guidance, please see:

  • Illinois Executive Order 2020-32 (April 30, 2020) (“All businesses that have employees physically reporting to a work-site must post the guidance from the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and Office of the Illinois Attorney General regarding workplace safety during the COVID-19 emergency. The guidance will be posted on the IDPH webpage.”)
  • FFCRA, Sec. 5103 (“(a) In General. Each employer shall post and keep posted, in conspicuous places on the premises of the employer where notices to employees are customarily posted, a notice, to be prepared or approved by the Secretary of Labor, of the requirements described in this Act. (b) Model Notice. Not later than 7 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Labor shall make publicly available a model of a notice that meets the requirements of subsection (a).”)
  • Department of Labor, Families First Coronavirus Response Act Notice – Frequently Asked Questions (“Each covered employer must post a notice of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) requirements in a conspicuous place on its premises. An employer may satisfy this requirement by emailing or direct mailing this notice to employees, or posting this notice on an employee information internal or external website.”)