We are looking for a comprehensive, stand-alone policy on banking marijuana-related businesses (MRBs). We are aware of policies offered by Young & Associates and BankPolicies.com. Are you aware of any other vendors or banks that have MRB policies?


We are aware of free sample policies from Sterling Compliance on banking marijuana and cannabis businesses. The Compliance Alliance also has a policy on banking marijuana-related or cannabis businesses available to its members. We also will make a request to our Compliance Division Advisory Committee for sample MRB policies and will send you any submissions we receive.

Additionally, we have included a link in our resources to an upcoming webinar on January 9, 2020, that will cover writing marijuana policies and procedures.

For resources related to our guidance, please see:

  • TTS, Writing Marijuana Procedures and Policy (January 9, 2020) (“This look at the federal picture and the state picture will help you with your thought process in developing a pro or con policy for your financial institution. This policy, procedures and processes will need to be in place to help you manage your financial institution’s overall risk policy. We will give you a state handout on all your state laws. The way to navigate through both marijuana and hemp. You won’t want to miss this step by step guide to writing your procedures and policy.”)