We believe that you should treat an application received by email as received by mail, unless the email application includes a video component.
With respect to reporting an applicant’s ethnicity, race, and sex, Appendix B to Regulation C states that “if you accept an application through electronic media without a video component (for example, facsimile), you must treat the application as accepted by mail.” Email is a form of electronic media that generally does not include a video component. Consequently, we believe that email applications should be treated as mail applications under Regulation C, unless the emails include videos.
For resources related to our guidance, please see:
- Regulation C, Appendix B, #3 (“If you accept an application through electronic media with a video component, you must treat the application as taken in person. If you accept an application through electronic media without a video component (for example, facsimile), you must treat the application as accepted by mail.”)