A safe deposit box customer wants to close her account, but has lost both of her keys and has repeatedly missed the date we scheduled to drill her box. Can we drill the box without her here?


If the account is current, then you should obtain written authorization before drilling the box without the customer present, in which case we would strongly advise having at least two bank employees present and video recording the drilling of the box and the immediate appearance of the contents of the box.

If the safe deposit box account is not current, then you may drill the box pursuant to the terms of your account agreement. In such case, we would still strongly recommend having at least two bank employees present and recording the drilling.

For resources related to our guidance, please see:

  • Comptroller’s Handbook — Consigned Items and Other Customer Services page 5 (“Boxes may be drilled for nonpayment of rent; upon written request of lessee; and for a special administrator, with proper legal authority, in search of a will.”)