We currently use verbal rate lock agreements and do not use written agreements. In the new Loan Estimate, is it correct to disclose that no rate lock is in place, unless we have a written rate lock agreement? If we enter into a verbal rate lock agreement after providing the Loan Estimate, do we have to reissue the Loan Estimate? What if the rate lock agreement is in writing?


The supplementary information for the final TRID rules clarify that the rate lock disclosure applies only to written agreements. Without a written agreement executed by your institution and the borrower, you should disclose that no rate lock agreement is in place — even if you have agreed to honor a rate lock in a verbal agreement.

Similarly, if you enter into a verbal rate lock agreement after providing a Loan Estimate, we do not believe that would trigger the duty to reissue the Loan Estimate. However, if you enter into a written rate lock agreement, that will trigger the duty to reissue the Loan Estimate within “three business days after the consumer and the creditor enter into a rate lock agreement.”

For resources related to our guidance, please see:

  • 12 CFR 1026.37(a)(13) (Requirement to disclose whether the interest rate for the transaction is subject to a rate lock agreement.)
  • Final Rule, Integrated Mortgage Disclosures, 78 Fed. Reg. 79730, 79919 (December 31, 2013) (“where a creditor has a policy to honor the quoted rate, but does not lock the rate pursuant to a written agreement with the consumer, the creditor would disclose ‘no’ pursuant to § 1026.37(a)(13)(i).”)
  • Official Interpretations, 12 CFR 1026, Paragraph 19(e)(3)(iv)(D), Comment 1 (“If the consumer enters into a rate lock agreement with the creditor after the disclosures required under § 1026.19(e)(1)(i) were provided, then § 1026.19(e)(3)(iv)(D) requires the creditor to provide, no later than three business days after the date that the consumer and the creditor enter into a rate lock agreement, a revised version of the disclosures required under § 1026.19(e)(1)(i) reflecting the revised interest rate, the points disclosed pursuant to § 1026.37(f)(1), lender credits, and any other interest rate dependent charges and terms.”)