What are the recordkeeping requirements for the confirmation of sales, calls, or maturities that we receive from our broker related to the bank’s investment portfolio?

We are not aware of any document retention requirements that apply to securities transactions made within a bank’s own investment portfolio. There are recordkeeping and confirmation requirements for securities transactions “effected for a customer by a bank” (12 CFR Part 344), but those requirements would not apply if the trades are not made “for a customer.”

The FDIC’s Risk Management Manual of Examination Policies section on Securities and Derivatives does not specify any particular retention periods for a bank’s portfolio trades. However, it does have some general recommendations for a record retention policy, and it recommends that internal audits of your investment activities include a review of your documentation practices. For example, it states your institution’s “[p]olicies and procedures should identify the extent of credit analysis and documentation required to satisfy sound credit risk management standards.”