When a borrower is delinquent on a mortgage loan, we send out the SCRA notice and the Illinois Homeownership Counseling Notice after thirty days and the Federal Notice of Homeownership Counseling after forty-five days. Are there any other notices we should be sending?


Please note that this answer discusses the Illinois grace period notice requirement, which expired on July 1, 2016, pursuant to a sunset provision. Please see 735 ILCS 5/15-1502.5.

Beyond the SCRA and Homeownership Counseling notices required under federal law (12 USC 1701x(c)(5)), and the Grace Period Notices required under Illinois law (735 ILCS 5/15-1502.5), we are not aware of any other notices that must be sent to mortgage loan borrowers who are delinquent or in default.

However, there may be additional notice requirements in your loan agreements. And if you sell mortgages on the secondary market, those investors may impose additional notice requirements. For example, Fannie Mae’s Servicing Guide, Chapter D2-2, Requirements for Contacting a Borrower and Freddie Mac’s Borrower Solicitation Documents include notice requirements for delinquent borrowers.