What types of bank offices are not included in the definition of a bank “branch”?


The National Banking Act defines a “branch” as a place where “deposits are received, or checks paid, or money lent.” 12 USC 36(j). The regulations for this definition also include “a mobile facility, temporary facility, intermittent facility, drop box or a seasonal agency” as branches. 12 CFR 5.30(d).

An office will be exempted from any branching rules (essentially the application and notice requirements) if it does not carry on any “branch” activities. Several “nonbranch” activities are identified in the law and regulations. Three examples of facilities excluded from the definition of “branch” are:

  • Remote service units (any “automated facility, operated by a customer of a bank, that conducts banking functions,” including ATMs). 12 USC 36(j)12 CFR 7.4003. An OCC interpretive letter has concluded that “automated, unstaffed facilities that engage in one or more of the core banking functions . . . are ATMs or RSUs within the meaning of section 36(j) and are not subject to branching limitations.” OCC Interpretive Letter No. 838 (April 15, 1998) (emphasis in bold added).