Are you aware of any regulation on charging fees to non-customers for credit card cash advances?


We do not believe that any Illinois or federal laws or regulations would prohibit you from charging a fee or refusing to give cash advances to non-customers. Therefore, the issue does depend on your agreement with MasterCard or VISA.

The rules can be found in Chapter 8.9 of the MasterCard rules (“Cash Disbursements”). Assuming that these are the rules that apply to your institution, you may not charge a fee for making cash disbursements, either to customers or to non-customers (MasterCard Rule 8.9.3, p. 206), but you may establish a maximum limit of $5,000 for cash withdrawals (8.9.2, p. 205). That limit can be lowered, provided that it:

  1. Is not less than USD 1,000;
  1. Is not less than the maximum cash disbursement amount established for any other acceptance brand at the office; and
  1. Applies only at those offices where the Customer can, if requested by the Corporation, demonstrate that a higher maximum would create a hardship.