Do you have any information on the $78 million in federal funds received by Illinois for small business lending (under the Advantage Illinois program)?


The Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity’s webpage on the Advantage Illinois program should answer most of your questions. Also see the press release announcing the program, which has four components:

  • Capital Access Program (CAP) assists businesses with various financing needs. It is designed to encourage financial institutions to make loans to small and new businesses that do not qualify under conventional lending policies.
  • Participation Loan Program (PLP) supports businesses with projects that create or retain jobs and/or modernize their businesses to improve competitiveness. One component of the program is devoted to Minority/Women/Disabled/Veteran-Owned businesses (MWDV PLP). The state purchases and subordinates part of the loan to help mitigate lender risk.
  • Collateral Support Program (CSP) establishes savings accounts or CDs that provide cash collateral support to lending institutions to enhance the equity and/or loan collateral levels of small business borrowers.
  • Invest Illinois Venture Fund Program (IIVF) is a new venture capital program to support young, innovative companies in Illinois that show high growth potential, can demonstrate their place in the market and already have other investors.

Each program has a banker’s guide to explain the requirements. A list of participating banks is available here.