Have you heard anything about the ADA deadline approaching regarding compliance to the rules which require ATM’s machines to have the voice activation requirement meant under the American with Disabilities Act?


The 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design become mandatory on March 15, 2012. They require that ATMs be speech enabled (in addition to technical requirements for privacy, tactilely-discernible input controls, display screens, and Braille instructions).

After March 15, 2012, all newly-built or altered ATMs will have to comply with the new, 2010 ADA Standards. However, you will not be required to modify existing ATMs if that would cause your bank an undue burden, defined as a “significant difficulty or expense.” 28 CFR 36.303(a). If you do think modifying existing ATMs would be an undue burden, we recommend that you document your reasons for making that determination.