Ask Us a Question

Please fill out this form to ask us your compliance question. You also may submit your question through our Compliance Connection Hotline at 1-800-GO-TO-IBA, 1-800-468-6422.

BUT FIRST: Unlike other state trade associations, we always provide our compliance services as a completely free benefit to our members. Due to the high volume of questions we receive, however, sometimes guidance requiring research will take us a week or more to answer. We try to make exceptions but can’t promise this. If you need an answer in a week or less, please consider contacting your outside compliance consultant, bank counsel or primary regulator with your question.

We also offer extensive regulatory resources and more than 4,000 bank compliance Q&As on our website. Please consult these materials before submitting a question using this form.

We generally try to acknowledge our receipt of your question with a personal email or phone call within 24 hours. If you don’t hear from us by then, please feel free to call our Law Department at (312) 347-3400 and ask for Michael or Carly.

Thank you for helping us help you!