State Police Issue Concealed Carry Signage Rules

Last Friday, the Illinois State Police (ISP) released guidance on the regulatory requirements for firearms signage under Illinois' recently-enacted concealed carry law. Under the Firearm Concealed Carry Act, private businesses, including banks and thrifts, may prohibit individuals from carrying a concealed firearm on, or into, property under their control but are required to clearly and conspicuously post prohibition signs at building entrances.

The Act indicates that the signs “shall be of a uniform design as established by the Department and shall be 4 inches by 6 inches in size . . . .” The ISP has released rules providing further details on this “uniform design” along with a printable sign. Importantly, the signage rules allow businesses to post signs larger than the 4 x 6 inch statutory minimum, with additional text, if certain conditions are met. The IBA has been providing firearm prohibition signs to Illinois financial institutions. In light of the administrative rules, we will adjust our sign to meet the new ISP criteria. For more information on the concealed carry law's impact on your institution, read our FAQ.