Please write your lawmakers TODAY on the following high priority issues. Click on the links below to access the ABA's automated system for sending customized letters.
Basel III capital rules — Ask your Senators to co-sponsor S. 731, a bill requiring regulators to stop and study the effects of the Basel III proposals before issuing any final rules.
Credit unions — Urge your congressmen to oppose House bills that more than double the credit unions' member business lending cap and that permit credit unions to count secondary capital as part of their net worth to meet “prompt corrective action” requirements.
Exam fairness — Generate support for IBA- and ABA-advocated exam fairness bills (S. 727 and H.R. 1553) that address widespread concerns about bank examinations.
Municipal advisors — Urge our senators to support a bipartisan, IBA and ABA-advocated bill (S. 710) that exempt banks from overreaching municipal advisor registration requirements.